Homeschoolers Art Lab, Robertsdale Art Barn


Homeschoolers Art Lab, Robertsdale Art Barn


End the week off with a hands-on creative activity by joining us for our Homeschoolers Art Lab! 

We'll spend time exploring & learning in our maker's space - giving students the freedom to take risks & to just enjoy the process of making & creating!  

Homeschoolers Art Lab is from 10:30-12:00p on Fridays, once per month. Art Lab is appropriate for ages 6-10. Students younger than 6 must be accompanied by a parent. Drop-Ins are ok, but we prefer for you to register, so that we can be appropriately prepared for you!

Dates: Sept 13, Oct 4, Nov 1, Dec 6 

Cost: $15/child/class. Not to exceed $42/family. 

Minimum of 10 students required. Please register at least 2 days prior to class.

This will be held in the Robertsdale Art Barn

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There are no refunds on registrations. We understand life happens and kids can get sick on a moments notice. We will allow a reschedule if we receive notice 24 hours PRIOR to class. I understand that fevers can pop up the day of. Please communicate with me and we will work something out. You have 60 days to use the rescheduled registration. Thank you for understanding and supporting your local small businesses. Registrations may be transferred to another person for same date/time if you are unable to attend.